Welcome PMI San Diego Members!
Thank you for exploring the intersection between leadership and project management.
I hold that:
- Leadership is not a designation, it is a goal-oriented, authentic presence, with enhanced capacity for resilience, resourcefulness, and relationship.
- Leaders take responsibility for their own development. Leadership starts with self.
- There are many different distinctions in leadership, many more schools of thought. I work with individuals and teams primarily on: authenticity, dignity, presence, and resilience; frequently through somatics.
I invite you to continue your leadership exploration and development. The resources below are offered to get you started.
Leadership Articles
- AMA: We Need Project Leadership, Not Management
- Alex Payne: Meditation and Performance
- Bill George: Becoming an Authentic Leader
- CIO Magazine: Shortage of Project Managers Sends Businesses Scrambling
- Fast Company: The Power of Words
- Forbes: Why Leaders are Poor Communicators
- HBR: The Best Way for New Leaders to Build Trust
- Huffington Post: 6 Tools for Creating High Performance Teams
- The New Yorker: Multitask Masters
- Ronni Hendel-Giller: Vertical Development for Leaders
- Salon.com: Meet the “mindfulness” caucus: Politicians who meditate
- Susanne Cook-Greuter: The Case for a Developmental Perspective
Leadership Videos
Leadership Podcasts
- John has been interviewed and discussed Leadership on several podcasts:
- PM for the Masses Podcast
- PATH Leadership Podcast
- The Sensible Project Manager
- The W. Edwards Deming Institute Podcast
Virtual Teams Resources
- The Project Management Institute (PMI) Knowledge Shelf: Virtual Teams
- The Handbook of High-Performance Virtual Teams: A Toolkit For Collaborating Across Boundaries
- HBR author Keith Ferrazzi: Getting Virtual Teams Right
- Microsoft Research – Not Seen and Not Heard: Onboarding Challenges in Newly Virtual Teams